Joe Exotic Letter To Trump

Joe Exotic Letter To Trump

President Trump- 

It's Joe Exotic aka Joseph Maldonado.

I had previously published a prior letter to you asking for a pardon and a cabinet position as the Director of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service.

I would like to withdraw that request and put in a much more important request and that is sign my pardon and make me the Director of the Bureau of Prisons.

First thing that needs done is Colette Peters needs to be fired. You have been all over the news saying how you are going to crack down on drug dealers and how they belong on death row.

Well, let me start by informing you a large percent of the BOP staff fits that description, and it is time someone takes this job that will actually clean it up.
Inside cover ups is all that is going on in here.

In mid-summer of 2021 one of the female officers here at Fort Worth Medical Center was bringing in so many drugs and other contraband that when she was caught, they walked her off the yard and she shot herself.

Why do you never hear any of this in the news?

Why do you never hear of any of the federal prison staff being charged with a crime of bringing in drugs, the abuse by staff, the staff rapes and medical neglect?

I myself have even filed a PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) complaint against a guard at a federally contracted hold over facility and not a damn thing has been done about it to this very day.

These are the photos of the outcome of not wanting to give a male guard oral sex. I was tied to a chair and put in a dark room and hot shower until the skin came off my arms.

A young man named Justin Thao had the same thing happen to him and it cost him his life at the same federal hold over facility. 

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There is no reason at all for you to fight drugs either on the border or on the streets of America if you are not going to fight the drugs within your own American federal prison system.

There are more drugs in here then out there- trust me on this.

The majority of the staff think it’s all a big game. They could give two shits about reform or making anything right that goes on in here as long as they come to work and collect a paycheck.

Today my safety was threatened by a staff member. If you don't conform to their bullshit or accept being treated like shit just because you are in prison, they threaten you with tossing all the inmates' cells and blaming it on you, so you get beat half to death if not killed. Is this the system that you want to continue to be the Commander of Chief of?

Remember one thing President Trump, you were very close to being put in here yourself and there are hundreds of people in here that stood up for you on January 6, 2020, that continue to be treated like shit every single day.

There is no real accountability for supplies, mileage on government vehicles or repairs to the facilities. Let’s not even talk about where the hell over $250,000.00 a month of commissary sale profit goes. Whose pocket does the proceeds go in because the food and medical care in prison is getting worse by the day.

We don't even get utensils to eat with half the time- we have to eat with our fingers.

Now, let's talk about the quality of medical care.

A man died in the housing unit last month from gang green because the medical staff hires from Nigeria. The Nigerians accept the jobs in order to get to be in America legally. But they could give a shit about America inmate medical care because in their country - “they would love to have this kind of care.” That’s an exact quote from a Dr. Here at FMC Fort Worth prison.

This Dr. sent a man with infection back to the unit where he died because she only thinks he should be treated and buy over the counter medication from the commissary. He asked to be taken to the hospital twice and was refused and died in the middle of the night.

I could go on and on for hours, but it all boils down to this is the most corrupt organization there is within the United States government. And until someone from inside is hired to fix it from outside it will only continue to get worse.

Your wardens have too much power and are not held accountable for anything. Your overtime fees are eating the taxpayers alive because your system sucks so bad that no one wants to work here.

Mass punishment seems to be the only form of discipline and it really all boils down to what color your skin is. Skin color determines what you get away with in here and what the staff let's keep going on.

And God forbid you are gay in here because you are just a sitting duck for extreme abuse and extortion.

Basically President Trump, I am saying your system is fucked up and it needs severe overhauling or shut down -either one.

Pardon and commute sentences of people with non-violent crimes where people have served over 5 years (except sex crimes).

Because in this system, if you have served over 5 years and are not a crack head when you arrived here, chances are you will be when you leave.
And that is why no one stays out of prison.

Pardon me before I become one of them.

Joe Exotic

Joseph Maldonado
FMC Fort Worth
PO Box 15530
Fort Worth TX 76119

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